
Public Service Announcement

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to inform you all that I'm in the process of moving my blog over to a different platform. I don't know if you are familiar with WordPress, but that is where I will be blogging. If you'd like to keep up with my posts, I invite you to follow me on WordPress. You can find my new blog here:  My New Blog On this new blog you will find the some of the same information I've shared with you here as well as new information, advice, and helpful tips & tricks. I hope you all know how much I've enjoyed writing for you and I hope you decide to keep up with me on my new blog. Thank you all for your support and understanding. With Love & Support, Molly

I Am A River

I am a river. Go with the flow. The past couple of days I’ve had to say this to myself repeatedly. Things were getting pretty hectic at work and I was becoming extremely frustrated, agitated, and stressed out. I was receiving a lot of attitude from my new managers when I tried to help them correct mistakes they were making or inform them of things they didn’t know. I had tried numerous times to offer advice and help but they wanted nothing to do with it. They would basically just say, “fuck it, I’m doing it my way,” regardless of if it were wrong or right. The store was constantly in a state of chaos. It was driving me nuts! Especially because I was trying to do my best to help them succeed and I was met with nothing but attitude. So, because of all the hullabaloo, I was coming home after every shift with the weight of everything that happened at work on my shoulders. Not only had all the stress begun to affect my workmanship but it also started affecting my home life. I wa


Every person with anxiety has certain triggers that set them off. It varies for each person and can depends on what type of anxiety they are dealing with. It’s important to recognize those triggers so that way you can best decide which course of action you should to take to manage it. Majors stressors can range from your physical health to things happening in your everyday life, such as stress from work or your home life. Stress can also occur from previous experiences like a past trauma or a situation that scared you. I’ve always recommended writing down your thoughts and I recommend doing that here as well. When you start to have anxious feelings, write them down. It could help you identify which triggers are the cause of your anxiety. Consider things like: What were you thinking of right before? What situation, if any, occurred right before? Were there any physical symptoms that appeared like, sweaty palms or a pounding heart? If you continue to document your feel

A Long Journey

Good morning!  Today I turn 25! Happy birthday to me!  As I sip my coffee on this beautiful morning, I can’t help but think back on my journey.  The past twenty-something years has been filled with so much from bumpy roads and speed blocks to milestones and triumphs.  I’ve had numerous break downs, heartaches, and tough lessons to learn. I’ve had new friendships, relationships, and I’ve broken through many barriers.  Living with anxiety has not been an easy task nor is it something I would wish on others but it’s helped shape me into the woman I am today. And I am proud of that woman. I’ve overcome many obstacles that I thought would cripple me. I’ve learned valuable lessons in the midst of despair. In these twenty-something years I’ve grown into a stronger, more confident woman.  If there’s one thing that’s remained a constant over the years, it’s Faith. Faith that everything will work out. Faith in the process. Faith in a higher power. Faith that no matter the dif


I recently read an article that said that having no boundaries is a byproduct of having no self-esteem. As much as I didn’t like how that made me feel I can admit that it’s true. In her article, O’Brien said, “ Boundaries are representative of how much or little you respect yourself. ”   What I got from that statement is that if we don’t have any respect for our own feelings and emotions then we allow ourselves to be mistreated and our boundaries to be stepped on. Boundaries are defined as guidelines, rules, or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits. It’s easy to say, “okay, these are my boundaries,” but it’s much more difficult to enforce them. We have to openly communicate what are boundaries are and make sure we’re following through with the execution otherwise we’re contradicting what we said. O’Brien stated, “ One way to quickly get someo

For Every Action...

Something I learned quite recently is that not everything requires a reaction. This year, I have worked under two different managers at my job. The first one I had was meh. She was a bit much and she had that “my way or the highway” attitude. She and I clashed…a lot. We got along fine some days but there were some when I just absolutely could not stand her. I had been working there for about a year and a half when she started so I was used to a particular routine and doing this a certain way and she came in she flipped a lot of things around. She was like a bull in a china shop. As someone who needs organization and likes routine, this was a very rough adjustment for me. Actually, I basically refused to adjust. I hated everything she did, everything she suggested, and how she managed the store. I constantly found myself pushing back against her suggestions or ideas or advice. I pretty much vetoed everything and continued to do things the way I always had. (I am known to be extremel

Reach Out

Good afternoon! So I’m sure I’ve already made a post about getting feedback from you all but I wanted to post it again because I really really would love if you guys would share your opinions or thoughts or feedback. At the top left corner of my blog there are three little dashes that you can click to open up a sidebar. On the sidebar you can find a little blurb about me, a follow by email link where you can get email updates any time I submit a blog post, and towards the bottom there is a section were you can write to me. The message will go directly to my personal email associated with the blog. You don't have to name yourself if you feel uncomfortable doing so. Things you can message me about: - topics you want me to discuss - questions - opinions - feedback - personal stories (will remain confidential) - advice - just to say "Hello!" - anything else you can think of Also, don't be afraid to comment on any of the posts either! It's welcomed